


DATE: Mon, March 28, 2022

CPD ACTIVITY: 2 Formal CPD Points

VENUE: Roseville Golf Club 4 Links Avenue, Roseville NSW 2069

COST: $45 in person / $20 online

$45 for dinner and presentation at the club in Roseville; $20 to join via zoom online

TIME: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

6:00pm Registration/sign-in for 6:30pm start. Finish 9:00pm

REGISTRATION CLOSES: Tue, March 29, 2022

Further event details below.




Registrations for this event are not currently available.

Land and Environmental Court Merit Appeals – Challenging a Council Decision presented by Damien Briggs! 

Have you - or your client(s) - contemplated an appeal to the Land and Environment Court but have been unsure where to start? This presentation will assist us in understanding the appeal process so that we can competently provide preliminary advice to our clients as to the options open to them to challenge a Council decision.


An evening with Damien Briggs from DG Briggs & Associates (Solicitors & Certifier Practising Planners), opportunity to tap into a territory that architects otherwise don’t tread, but deemed necessary to achieve a reasonable outcome. Come and join the conversation and hone your knowledge around Court Appeals process against Council’s decision.


Presenter:  Damien Briggs

Damien commenced his professional career in local government in various environmental, planning, building and development roles from 1986-1995, completing a law degree in that latter period on a part-time basis. In 1997, Damien commenced practice as a solicitor, formalising his experience in local government by completing postgraduate studies in town planning from 1996-1999.

Between private practice in the law and the opening of DG Briggs and Associates, Damien worked for a group of development and construction companies as in-house counsel. That role included working with the directors to source development sites, preparing feasibilities and development applications, and undertaking front and back end contractual work in the construction phase.

Damien has also personally undertaken significant residential construction work, including a subdivision, owner-builder construction of new dwelling, and both minor and major alterations and additions to his own homes. His qualifications and experience - including formerly as a building surveyor/building certifier - entitle him to hold a building contractor’s licence.

Damien holds formal qualifications in law, town planning and building surveying. He is a practising solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and a certified practising town planner.

Damien accepts instructions in all areas of his expertise - including acting as an expert witness.

DG Briggs and Associates

Commencing as a multidisciplinary practice in 2001, DG Briggs and Associates continues to provide legal, town planning and building consultancy services across all sectors.

The legal services provided by the firm are primarily in litigation in the Land and Environment Court and the Supreme Court. The town planning services include as expert witness, the peer review of expert opinions and providing advice. The building and construction component includes contract advice and litigation matters in the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the District Court and the Supreme Court.



AGENDA for the evening:

The evening’s program will run as follows:

6:10pm                     QR Check-in / Meet / Greet and set up. 

6.30pm - 6.55pm:    Sponsor’s presentation Dincel Walling Systems presented by Burak Dincel ( 30min’s )

                                 includes a short Q&A at the end;

7:00pm - 7.30pm:    Dinner served at tables;

7:30pm - 9.00pm:    Speaker’s presentation Land & Environmental Court Merit Appeals by Damien Briggs ( 90min’s )

                                 includes a short Q & A at the end;

9.00pm:                   Close of evening.

Be sure to attend from 6:30-9 to get your full 2 Formal CPD Points! This is required by the Architects Registration Board!


COVID restrictions:

For everyone's safety:

Do not attend if you are feeling ill, or if you have had any flu like symptoms in the 14 days leading up to the event

Maintain Social Distancing at all times

No mingling before or after the event - please sign in and find your seat

COVID safety marshall from the club will be supervision to ensure requirements are being met

Sign in:

All guests must use the QR code upon entry to the club

Additionally - the club requries a full list of attendees names and phone numbers

Dinner service:

Plated main course with tea & coffee will be served, no buffet

Dinner will be two alternating dishes (served at alternate seats each so you can swap if required)

Please let us know if you have any specific dietary requirements by Friday

Must book before the Friday before so we can advise the club

Event Queries


Should you have a query regarding this event, please contact us. Required fields are marked *


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